Tuesday, January 2, 2018

7 Simple Behaviours That Make You More Attractive

Is your doctor going to tell you you are going to lose most of your friends? And then have a protocol for you to make new friends? Or is your doctor doing absolutely nothing? Like mine did?
Any mention of

Aristotle believes that there are three different kinds of friendship; that of utility, friendship of pleasure, and virtuous friendship. 

and that you will likely lose all of the first two?

You might need this:

 7 Simple Behaviours That Make You More Attractive

Click the links for more on each study.

1. Eat carrots

Yellow and red skin pigments are perceived as 50% more attractive in Caucasian people,
I'm not doing this.

2. Wear the colour red

Wearing the colour red makes both men and women more attractive to the opposite sex, studies find.
When men wear it, red sends signals of status and dominance to others.
Not so much for me.
When women wear it, the extra pull on men may have deeper, biological roots.

3. Walk sexy

Attractiveness is about more than just body shape and facial features — it is also about the way people move.
Women who sway their hips while walking increase their perceived attractiveness by 50%, research finds.
Men who walk with swagger in their shoulders more than doubled the perception of their attractiveness.
Swagger involves dipping the shoulders slightly with each step to create a rolling motion.
My walk has absolutely no swagger, it is just swinging that spastic log of a leg. 

4. Help other people

Being altruistic — helping others without thought of reward — is particularly attractive to women, research finds.
But both men and women find those who are altruistic more attractive.
The results come from three studies including over 1,000 people.
People were asked about the behaviours they looked for in a mate.
Some of the suggested behaviours included donating blood and volunteering in a local hospital.
Women were more keen on these altruistic traits in a potential partner.

5. Nod your head

Nodding the head increases attractiveness to others by up to 40% research finds.
Head nodders were rated as both more likeable and more approachable.
It was primarily people’s personality that appeared more attractive when they nodded.
Essentially, nodding makes people more likely to approach you in social interactions.

6. Arch the back (women)

A slight arching of a woman’s back — extending her buttocks outward — makes her more alluring, research finds.
It might help to explain the mystery of why high-heeled shoes are so popular.
They cause women to arch their backs slightly to help them balance.
The study found that only relatively small changes in how much a woman’s back was arched made her look more appealing.

7. Grow a beard (men)

Women judge fully bearded men to be a better bet for long-term relationships, new research finds.
This might be because it makes men look more ‘formidable’.
Certainly, beards make men look older and more aggressive.
Beards are also often judged to make men look like they have higher social status.
However, for short-term relationships, women judge stubble to be most attractive, the new research found.
 Well maybe I need to go to stubble, although my beard is not really thick enough to pull that off. 

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