Monday, January 29, 2018

Drink This To Reduce Depression Risk, Study Suggests

For all the benefits of coffee I bet your stroke hospital still does not have a 24 hour a day coffee bar.  Which means your hospital is totally incompetent. Why the hell are they still in business?


How coffee protects against Parkinson’s Aug. 2014 

Or this?

Drinking coffee may be associated with reduced risk of heart failure and stroke

Or this?

Caffeine Boosts Dementia-Fighting Enzyme

Or this?

Drinking Coffee Can Lower Alzheimer's Risk By 20%, All It Takes Is 3 Cups A Day  Dec. 2014




Or this latest?

One in 5 US women experience depression during their lifetime.
Drinking caffeinated coffee reduces depression risk, research finds.
The more caffeine women in the study drank, the lower their chances of becoming depressed.
Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day was linked to a 15% reduction in depression risk.
Those drinking four or more cups per day had a 20% reduced risk.
Other studies in men have also suggested that caffeine intake is linked to lower depression.
The conclusions come from a study that followed 50,739 US nurses.
They were tracked for 10 years and none were depressed at the start of the study.
Over the study’s duration, their intake of caffeinated drinks was tracked.
This included caffeinated soft drinks as well as non-herbal tea and coffee.
The study’s authors explain the results:
“In this large prospective cohort of older women free of clinical depression or severe depressive symptoms at baseline, risk of depression decreased in a dose-dependent manner with increasing consumption of caffeinated coffee.”
However, due to the nature of the study it:
“…cannot prove that caffeine or caffeinated coffee reduces the risk of depression but only suggests the possibility of such a protective effect.”
Decaffeinated coffee was not linked to any reduction in risk.

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