Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Opening plastic bottles

Failures again. I get these bottles for lunch so I can slip them into my pocket to carry back to the desk. One handed carrying of food container and open cup is a disaster waiting to happen. The problem is that my affected left hand can't close small enough to grab onto the cap and it takes forever to pry open the fingers to get the bottle inside. Then I don't have enough force to grasp the bottle while I twist the cap off. So the solution is to grab the cap with the teeth and turn the bottle with the good right hand. A better solution would be to contact the manufacturers of these types of bottles and have them lower the force needed to open the bottle. At least that is what a great stroke association would be doing. Also would help the elderly.  When I'm at home I use the under the cabinet V shaped serrated bottle opener.
Never enough coffee

1 comment:

  1. I rarely buy individual drink bottles. But when I do, it's at a rest stop or convenience store, where I'm buying the item from a person, and I ask that person to open it for me first. I first tried opening one by myself at North Station, returning home from a PT appointment. Sitting, I put the bottle of water between my knees and the turn the cap w my working hand. Geyser! Then a train ride home with soaked pants. Given that it's better to be embarrassed by asking help opening a bottle than by walking around with wet pants, I always ask now.
