Sunday, January 14, 2018

Patient-centered goal setting in a hospital-based outpatient stroke rehabilitation center

YOU will need to DEMAND  that the goals for stroke survivors is 100% recovery. Not the dumbed downs goals they are going to pass off as acceptable. YOU have to set the goals, not the stroke medical professionals. The medical staff is lazy and will not put out stretch goals or anything that might be difficult.  Every stroke survivor that doesn't get to 100% recovery is totally dissatisfied and no amount of dissembling will change that, including biased research like this.
PM & R , Volume 9(9) , Pgs. 856-865.

NARIC Accession Number: J77462.  What's this?
ISSN: 1934-1482.
Author(s): Rice, Danielle B.; McIntyre, Amanda; Mirkowski, Magdalena; Janzen, Shannon; Viana, Ricardo; Britt, Eileen; Teasell, Robert.
Publication Year: 2017.
Number of Pages: 10.
Abstract: Study assessed patient satisfaction of meeting self-selected goals during outpatient rehabilitation following a stroke. Participants were stroke patients enrolled in a multidisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation program, who set at least 1 goal during rehabilitation. Upon admission and discharge from rehabilitation, patients rated their satisfaction with their ability to perform goals that they wanted to achieve. Researchers independently sorted and labeled recurrent themes of goals. Goals were further sorted into International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) categories. To compare the perception of patients’ goal satisfaction, repeated-measures analysis of variance was conducted across the 3 ICF goal categorizations. A total of 286 patients were included in the analysis. Patient goals concentrated on themes of improving hand function, mobility, and cognition. Goals were also sorted into ICF categories in which impairment-based and activity limitation-based goals were predominant. Compared to activity-based and participation-based goals, patients with impairment-based goals perceived greater satisfaction with meeting their goals at admission and discharge. Patient satisfaction in meeting their first-, second-, and third-listed goals each significantly improved by discharge from the rehabilitation program. The findings show that satisfaction in achieving goals significantly improved after receiving therapy. The type of goals that patients set were related to their goal satisfaction scores, with impairment-based goals being rated significantly higher than activity-based and participation-based goals.

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Citation: Rice, Danielle B., McIntyre, Amanda, Mirkowski, Magdalena, Janzen, Shannon, Viana, Ricardo, Britt, Eileen, Teasell, Robert. (2017). Patient-centered goal setting in a hospital-based outpatient stroke rehabilitation center.  PM & R , 9(9), Pgs. 856-865. Retrieved 1/14/2018, from REHABDATA database.

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