Monday, January 29, 2018

The other kind of customer service: i.e. stroke associations

What customer service are you getting from your stroke association? I bet not a single person has been contacted proactively. I bet they don't want to hear complaints about not getting recovered. Hiding from your customers rarely works in the long term.  One of the many reasons I call them fucking failures of stroke associations.
Seth Godin hits another one out of the ballpark.

The other kind of customer service

Reactive customer service waits until something is broken. We leave it up to the annoyed customer to go to the trouble of finding us, contacting us, and then, in real time, advocating for themselves until we finally manage to make things good enough (we rarely make them better than the customer hoped).
Perhaps we ought to spend more time being proactive.
How many people on your team are actively advocating for the customer in advance? Guiding the process so that most disappointments won't even happen, which means we won't have to fix them...
Is there any more effective way to engage with customers than to create products that don't break their hearts?

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