Thursday, January 18, 2018

What is cognitive reserve? Special Health Report, Harvard Medical School

You will need this, so demand your doctor give you protocols to accomplish this. Since your doctor will have nothing, you might have to do this on your own. This is not medical advice, just realistic planning on your part. Your doctor might be the one in a million that actually has something for this.

A dynamic 6-step program

created to help you achieve a lifetime of robust cognitive fitness!

As we grow older, the goal isn’t simply to reach our 80s or 90s, but to remain mentally sharp throughout the process. The good news is you can!
Research is proving there’s a lot you can do to keep your brain healthy, lessen the risk of brain disease, and stay cognitively fit for a lifetime.
Six steps for brain power that goes the distance!
This Special Health Report will introduce you to an empowering six-step program that can make a lasting difference to your future. Taken together, these steps can strengthen your intellectual prowess, invigorate your memory, and protect the brain-based skills essential for full, rewarding and independent living.
You’ll discover how, by integrating simple, specific changes—in diet, exercise, and lifestyle—into your daily routine, you can add years of enduring mental stamina and vitality. The Special Health Report will show you how to
…“super-max” the benefits of food and exercise. Are there brain foods? There sure are! (The top five are revealed on page 25.) Can exercise give a memory boost? You bet! (Two no-sweat choices on page 33). Is there a diet to cut the risk of Alzheimer’s? Yes—by as much as 50%! (See page 28)
…recapture needed sleep…and release unwanted stress. With age, you may find it harder to get the sleep essential for memory. Chronic stress can have damaging effects on key areas of the brain. This Special Health Report provides explicit, winning strategies to resolve your issues with sleep and stress.
…stay connected…and challenged! Steady social contact protects cognitive function as you age. Intellectually challenging activities keep your brain agile. This Special Health Report is packed with ideas for building strong social networks… for constructing rigorous mental workouts… and more!
Don’t wait! Send for your copy of The Guide to Cognitive Fitness now!

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