Monday, February 26, 2018

Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030 - European Stroke Organization

Looking at just two sections this is a complete abdication of responsibility to solve any of the problems in stroke and get to 100% recovery.  Your doctors should be commenting on this and what a pile of shit this is. Oops, I'm not playing by the polite rules of Dale Carnegie, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. 
All these incredibly smart people and they don't realize that the goal is 100% recovery and they are doing absolutely nothing to get there.

Stroke shares risk factors with cardiovascular disease. Research initiatives in primary prevention of stroke should not be undertaken in isolation; close collaboration with primary prevention initiatives from cardiology, primary health care and public health is strongly recommended and should be covered by a national NCD action plan.

  1. Which factors are at the origin of major health disparities in Europe, including with respect to risk factor prevalence and control, including access and adherence to primary prevention and the influence of low socio-economic status and other social factors?

  1. Can the current risk prediction models be improved by extending the current 10-year risk to 20-year or life-time risk for those at younger age and 5-year or life-time risk for those over 75?

  1. Can further individualisation of primary prevention strategies, for example by investigating how multi-morbidity, poly-pharmacy, geographic and ethnic differences and polygenetic risk profiles, enhance effectiveness?

  1. Can awareness of the potential for primary prevention of stroke be improved by personalized health education about modifiable risk factors?

  1. What are the benefits and harms of screening for stroke risk factors in different populations using different approaches including systematic and opportunistic screening?

  1. Can adherence to primary prevention interventions be improved by using eHealth or mHealth approaches to encourage self-management and by using combination drugs (polypill) and combine individualized approaches with public health interventions?


As for the research and development priorities, close collaboration and alignment with cardiovascular disease prevention targets is essential.

  1. To have universal access in Europe to primary preventive treatment based on improved and better-personalized risk prediction models

  1. To have national strategies to implement multisectorial public health interventions promoting and facilitating a healthy life-style, and reducing environmental, socioeconomical and educational factors that increase the risk of stroke

  1. To have evidence-based screening programs at the population level for stroke risk factors using a combination of systematic and opportunistic screening implemented in all European countries

  1. To have blood pressure detected and controlled in 80% of persons with hypertension

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