Sunday, April 22, 2018

Human-mouse HYBRID: Scientists grow human brain in tiny rodent

So Christine O’Donnell was right, just a few years late.  Famously insisting that scientists were putting human brains into mice.

SCIENTISTS have controversially yet successfully grown part of a human brain inside a mouse and the organ even managed to survive for months in a major scientific breakthrough.

mouse brainGETTY
Human-mouse HYBRID: Scientists grow human brain in tiny rodent
For the first ever time miniature human brains have grown in a new species and scientists have suggested the breakthrough could help with stem cell research.
Scientists created the pin-sized human brains from stem cells and then placed them inside the skulls of mice, where a piece of tissue had been removed to make room for the new organ.
Of the test mice, roughly 80 percent survived the operation, and within two weeks the rodents’ implants had been successfully received and were even spawning new neurons.
The brain implants survived for an average of 233 days, but began the process of dying much earlier.
Mice were fitted with 'organoid' brains
Lead researcher Fred Gage, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute, said: "In our hands, the organoids stop growing around five weeks.
"It's a function of size rather than time. We see some cell death even in the edge of the organoids starting at 10 weeks, which becomes really dramatic over time.
“This is an obvious hurdle for longtime study."
Abed Al-Fattah Mansour, a research associate at the Salk Institute, said: "That was a big accomplishment.

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