Monday, May 28, 2018

Tracking Neuronal Connectivity from Electric Brain Signals to Predict Performance

With any functioning neurons at all in the stroke medical world this would be looked at as a godsend to monitor in real time the problems in stroke brains. From that we could describe the problem and request researchers to solve it.  This is so fucking easy; Only 5 steps.
1.  Describe the problem exactly.
2.  Write an RFP to researchers to solve that problem.
3.  Fund it with foundation grants.
4.  Write stroke rehab protocols based on the research.
5.  Get the Nobel prize in medicine

The human brain is a complex container of interconnected networks. Network neuroscience is a recent venture aiming to explore the connection matrix built from the human brain or human “Connectome.” Network-based algorithms provide parameters that define global organization of the brain; when they are applied to electroencephalographic (EEG) signals network, configuration and excitability can be monitored in millisecond time frames, providing remarkable information on their instantaneous efficacy also for a given task’s performance via online evaluation of the underlying instantaneous networks before, during, and after the task. Here we provide an updated summary on the connectome analysis for the prediction of performance via the study of task-related dynamics of brain network organization from EEG signals.

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