Friday, June 1, 2018

Returning to Work After Stroke: Predictors and a Paradox

I predict that if you got these patients 100% recovered returning to work would not be a problem. Solve the correct problem, not the secondary ones. 

Returning to Work After Stroke: Predictors and a Paradox

GOTHENBURG, Sweden — Factors such as intravenous thrombolysis and occupational therapy at 3 months independently and significantly predicted which patients would be employed 1 year after a first stroke, in a new registry study.
Overall, 34% of patients who were working at the time of their stroke were re-employed at 3 months. However, this proportion decreased to 27% at 1 year, to 25% at 5 years, and to 10% at 10 years.
"Another trend we saw is that patients who returned to work within 1 year were more likely to still be employed at 10 years," said Arup Sen, MRCP, from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust of Ageing and Health at King's College London, United Kingdom. "This suggests, in terms of planning post-stroke rehab, the time to get patients back to work would be as soon as possible — and ideally within the first year."
In addition, a large proportion of the independent patients are not returning to work initially, Sen told Medscape Medical News. Only 39% of the functionally independent patients were back to work at 1 year, although this increased to 47% at 5 years and 69% at 10 years.
"We wanted to look at this in more detail because little is known about the long-term factors affecting return to work at different time points post-stroke," he said during an ePoster presentation here at the 4th European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) 2018. The researchers defined functional independence as a Barthel Index score greater than 90.
Sen and colleagues reviewed data for 5609 multiethnic urban patients from 2005 to 2014 from the South London Stroke Registry maintained by the Royal College of London. They further evaluated the 940 patients, or 17%, who were employed at the time the stroke occurred.

Emotional Toll of Returning to Work

The investigators also assessed anxiety and depression by using scores on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and 12-Item Short-Form survey at 1, 5, and 10 years. Potential long-term negative emotional consequences associated with a return to work emerged.
People who returned to work after stroke were statistically significantly more likely to experience anxiety and depression at 1 year (P *lt; .01) and 5 years (P < .05) than those who did not.
"It's paradoxical," Sen said. "Previous studies have shown that return to work is seen as a recovery milestone."
"Although patients are physically ready to go back to work, there may be other reasons for increased stress levels around going back to work," he said, "such as lack of coping or adaption, social factors or workplace factors such as the work climate."
Returning to work is a dynamic, multifaceted process that is difficult to explain by measures such as the Barthel Index alone, Sen said. "There may be other factors like fatigue, cognition, and personal factors."

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, I insisted on continuing work while still in rehab - I would sit in bed with my laptop and edit articles for the newspaper. I'm sure I did a terrible job, but nothing that couldn't be fixed by the reporter hired to fill in for me until I returned to work.

    I kept working for 2 years, remotely, as the drive to commute was too long for me at that point. But I was terrible at my previous job, sobbing as I tried to create/edit spreadsheets; Excel was just too hard for me to figure out.

    My job got smaller and smaller until I "retired" when my husband did. I'm not sure the newspaper has been better off without me, but I are am better without the newspaper.
