I have a 1.6% chance in the next 5 years of having a heart attack or stroke when I calculated it for age 50 when I had my stroke. This calculator is only valid if you have not already been diagnosed with heart disease or stroke. But if I do it anyway for my current age it is 4.9% in 5 years.
The health of your heart is comparable to the average 41 year old Canadian.
But my stroke was completely preventable if my Dads' doctor had told him to have children ultrasound tested when he was diagnosed with 80% carotid blockage. These calculators are way off when confronted with really healthy people like myself.
But if it had not occurred I would still be living a life of quiet desperation and would never have become a pain in the ass to the stroke medical world.
Life is great right now.
I'm very glad you are no longer living a life of quiet desperation, and congratulations on being a pain in the ass to the stroke medical world. You're my role model!