Monday, July 16, 2018

Raising Awareness in Stroke Excellence (RAISE) Awards - National Stroke Association

I think my readers should nominate me and put in the reason; 'Dean is raising awareness of all the problems in stroke needing solutions on how to get 100% recovered.' This awareness crapola is just pure laziness. Until the NSA actually deserves Stroke in their name they need to be completely shamed on doing nothing for stroke survivors.
The Raising Awareness in Stroke Excellence (RAISE) Awards annually recognize individuals and groups from across the country for taking stroke awareness activities to new heights. Awards are given in several categories and recognize people engaged in community-level awareness activities directly supporting the National Stroke Association’s mission.(Our mission is to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke by delivering education and other programs focused on the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support for all impacted by stroke.)(Well you are completely failing your mission, wrong mission anyway; It should be 100% recovery for all. Are you too CHICKENSHIT to attempt that?)
What do stroke survivors want?  Recovery
When do they want it? NOW

Oops, I'm not playing by the polite rules of Dale Carnegie, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. 
Politeness will never solve anything in stroke.

The eighth annual RAISE Award nominations are now open. We have made it easier to nominate an individual or group who has worked hard to raise awareness for stroke. Read about our nine award categories, including the new Outstanding Caregiver category, and nominate a stroke champion today!
Most Creative:
Honors an individual or group using creativity and originality to spread the word about stroke
Most Impactful:
Honors an individual or group awareness activity that demonstrates proven improved patient or community outcomes
Outstanding Caregiver:
Honors an individual who has cared for a stroke survivor and used their experience to educate, inspire, and bring awareness to stroke on a local or national level
Outstanding Individual:
Honors an individual making a commitment to raising stroke awareness on a local or national level
Outstanding Group:
Honors a group of people making a commitment to raising stroke awareness on a local or national level
Outstanding Fundraising Effort:
Honors an individual or group making a unique and impactful effort to raise stroke awareness and funds for the National Stroke Association
Outstanding Stroke Survivor:
Honors an individual who has survived a stroke and used their experience to educate, inspire, and bring awareness to stroke on a local or national level
Outstanding Support Group:
Honors a stroke support group for making an innovative and robust impact on the lives of stroke survivors, caregivers and others impacted by stroke through connection, empowerment, and education
Voter's Choice:
This award honors an individual or group representing the best effort in raising stroke awareness. The nominees for this category are selected by our judges and the winner will be chosen in October through online voting

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