Sunday, July 1, 2018

Using Social Interaction in Rehabilitation to Improve Stroke Patients Motivation

If you want to motivate survivors you give them an exact roadmap to 100% recovery, that will require stroke protocols with efficacy ratings. Or do you really think guidelines in stroke rehab are good enough? 10% full recovery under current guidelines is a complete fucking failure. Or don't you even know that?

  1. 1.Department of Industrial DesignNational Cheng Kung UniversityTainanTaiwan
  2. 2.Hierarchical Green-Energy Materials(Hi-GEM) Research CenterNational Cheng Kung UniversityTainanTaiwan
Conference paper
Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 774)


Rehabilitation for stroke is important for recovery, but for patients, living their daily life independently after stroke is not an easy task. Difficulty accepting their new condition, facing the changes of roles and self-concept are mentioned as psychological challenges that lead to low social interaction affecting relations around them. Additionally, low levels of emotional support may cause depression and decrease motivation. It has been proven that sufficient social support can influence the training outcome resulting in better performance, and a faster recovery. The aim of this study is (1) to explore the concept of sharing in rehabilitation at the purpose of improving patients’ motivation through (2) developing a user-friendly tangible device to train their upper limbs fine motor (ULFM) skills. This study focuses on both the development of the rehabilitation training device, and collection and comparison of data of their interaction with patients and the patient motivation levels.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy - I've had more social support than any stroke survivor in the world, but look at me - I walk with a brace and cane, and can't use my hand at all (although it is nice and relaxed).
