Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Help Provide Hope After Stroke - National Stroke Association

Begging for money. I don't see any correlation between the NSA and what a great stroke association
should be doing. Up to you if you want to donate. Robyn is obviously too scared to talk to stroke survivors, I have never been contacted. If she doesn't know who her greatest critic is she is incompetent.
View this message on our website.

Dear dean,
Because of people like you who generously support the National Stroke Association, there is hope after stroke for the nation’s seven million stroke survivors. For more than 30 years, the National Stroke Association has been the leading nonprofit organization 100% dedicated to stroke. We take great pride in the work we do to fulfill our mission: to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke by delivering education and programs focused on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support for all impacted by stroke.
The hope-filled programs highlighted below are made possible because of you and your support:
Through our Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist program, hundreds of therapists across the country have completed a rigorous set of clinical courses and a comprehensive exam to earn the CSRS certification.
Currently in study phase, the Stroke Recovery Navigator was created in 2015 to determine what benefits could be achieved by stroke survivors and caregivers when they are connected to a variety of consistent and dedicated support systems over a six-month period of time.
stroke navigator
Not only do we want to provide hope after stroke to stroke survivors, but also to the thousands of caregivers who are critical to a stroke survivor’s post-stroke journey. 
A goal of many stroke survivors is to return to work, enabling them to become independent again. In 2016, the National Stroke Association supported the Return to Work Awareness Act of 2016, and created the Return to Work Toolkit.
return to work after stroke
Knowing the signs and symptoms of a stroke is the first step to ensuring medical help is received immediately. The FAST program-in-a-box, a bi-lingual education and awareness program, ensures more people know how to recognize potential signs and symptoms of stroke and how to call for help quickly.
The National Stroke Association has made great strides in reaching and helping millions of stroke survivors find hope after stroke - but there is still much more that we must accomplish.
Will you consider taking a moment and making a donation today?
Donate today Arrow
On behalf of the 7 million stroke survivors across the nation, their caregivers and members of the healthcare community, we sincerely thank you for your ongoing support and trust in the National Stroke Association.
Our Impact
Thank you for making a difference and supporting the National Stroke Association.
Photo of Robyn Moore, CEO

Robyn Moore
Chief Executive Officer
9707 E. Easter Lane · Suite B
Centennial, CO 80112
1-800-STROKES (787-6537)
Powered by Convio

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