Wednesday, September 5, 2018

IBM’s Watson supercomputer recommended ‘unsafe and incorrect’ cancer treatments, internal documents show

At least with Dr. Watson you can go in and correct the problem, making sure it doesn't happen again. With thousands upon thousands of human doctors you can never be sure their prescriptions are correct and up-to-date.
I still want Dr.Watson to tackle creating a strategy for the way forward to solve everything in stroke. No human can put together the tens of thousands of research articles and analyze the way forward.

nternal IBM documents show that its Watson supercomputer often spit out erroneous cancer treatment advice and that company medical specialists and customers identified “multiple examples of unsafe and incorrect treatment recommendations” as IBM was promoting the product to hospitals and physicians around the world.
The documents — slide decks presented last summer by IBM Watson Health’s deputy chief health officer — largely blame the problems on the training of Watson by IBM engineers and doctors at the renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The software was drilled with a small number of “synthetic” cancer cases, or hypothetical patients, rather than real patient data. Recommendations were based on the expertise of a few specialists for each cancer type, the documents say, instead of “

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