Monday, September 10, 2018

What thought process allows your stroke medical professionals to allow complete failure in stroke?

My listing of failures, probably incomplete:
  1. 23% chance of stroke survivors getting PTSD
  2. tPA only fully works to reverse the stroke 12% of the time. Known since 1996.
  3. 30% of survivors having spasticity.  
  4. 33% chance of depression after stroke
  5. At least half of all stroke survivors experience fatigue Or is it 70%?
  6. lost 5 cognitive years from your stroke 
  7. 92% were confirmed to have a visual impairment
  8. Nothing provided for stopping the 5 causes of the neuronal cascade of death in the first week. 
  9. No way to compare your stroke hospital results vs. other stroke hospitals

  10. No published stroke rehab protocols. You are completely on your own. 

  11. Only 10% of patients get to full recovery.

  12. 33% dementia chance post-stroke from an Australian study? 
    This meme from World Stroke Day a couple years ago exemplifies the complete ignorance of what needs to be done in stroke. STROKE IS NOT TREATABLE YOU FUCKING LIARS!

    100% recovery for all survivors is going to be damned difficult to do but that is leadership. We need all these problems in stroke solved. 

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