Monday, November 19, 2018

Health Service Utilization and State Costs Among Adults Aging With Early-Acquired Physical Disabilities in Medicaid Managed Care

And if you want to solve and prevent these massive costs from the leading cause of adult disability - namely stroke. Then you first stop the 5 causes of the neuronal cascade of death in the first week. After that you will have a much easier time getting stroke protocols to work to get you to 100% recovery. The answers are out there, we just need someone with enough brains and influence to create and follow a strategy for this solution. A Nobel Prize awaits. Isn't that enough incentive? Or is this all just too fucking hard for all these MDs and PhDs working on stroke? Not sorry about hurting your fee fees. Try recovering from a stroke with NO help from the medical establishment. 

Oops, I'm not playing by the polite rules of Dale Carnegie, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. 
Politeness will never solve anything in stroke.


Health Service Utilization and State Costs Among Adults Aging With Early-Acquired Physical Disabilities in Medicaid Managed Care

First Published November 15, 2018 Research Article
Objective: We evaluated the impact of Medicaid managed care (MMC) on health service use and state costs among adults with early-acquired physical disabilities.  
Method: Using claims data, we tracked utilization of the emergency department (ED), inpatient admissions, outpatient physician visits, and state expenditures on enrollees who transitioned to MMC (n = 881). The inverse propensity score weight and a difference-in-differences regression model were used to estimate the impact of MMC using their counterparts who remained in fee-for-service (n = 1,552) as the comparison group.  
Results: MMC reduced ED use by 3.2% points/month (p < .001). Relative to younger enrollees (age ⩽45 years), MMC reduced inpatient admissions of older enrollees (age ⩾46 years) by 3.3% points/month (p < .001), and state expenditures by US$839/month (p < .01).
Discussion: MMC could reduce the hospital service use of and state spending on enrollees with early-acquired physical disabilities. This impact may vary depending on the enrollees’ age.

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