Sunday, December 30, 2018

How can we meet your needs as a young stroke survivor? The Florey Institute in Melbourne, Australia

Well, why does the question even need to be asked? 100% recovery. Asking the question means you have bought into the tyranny of low expectations for stroke recovery. Get your head out of the sand and solve ALL the problems in stroke, this just means you will try to cherry pick the easier problems to solve. 

How can we meet your needs as a young stroke survivor? The Florey Institute in Melbourne, Australia

  • This questionnaire has been designed to collect information from young (aged 18-55) stroke survivors about their needs and how they would like their needs to be met. This information will help to guide the development of healthcare systems for young people with stroke.
  • The questionnaire has three sections:
    1. Describe yourself
    2. Identify your stroke-related needs
    3. Tell us how you want your needs to be met
    You can complete as little or as much of this questionnaire as you wish. It should take 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You can complete this questionnaire with help from someone who knows you well.
  • Participation in this research is voluntary. If you don’t wish to take part, you don’t have to. You can stop responding at any time and cancel your answers by exiting your browser. Please note that, once your answers are submitted on the final page of the survey, we cannot delete your information from our database because the survey is anonymous.
    Some of the questions in this questionnaire may be personal in nature. If there is anything in the questionnaire that causes you any distress, please discuss your concerns with someone you trust—perhaps a family member, friend, or your General Practitioner. You can also visit or for further information and support.

    StrokeLine provides telephone advice about living with stroke and stroke support services in Australia: 1 800 787 653
  • How will data be used?
    • Researchers from The Florey Institute in Melbourne, Australia will analyse the data to describe the ways young stroke survivors want their needs to be met.
    • The results of this study may be published in a scientific journal, and a report will be written for The Florey’s website and other related sites.
    • You will not be identified in any publications that result from this study.
    • There will be no direct benefit to you from participation in this research.

    How will data be stored?
    All data and project records will be stored for seven years on a data storage server in the University of Melbourne Data Centre that can only be accessed by authorised staff.

    Study approval
    This questionnaire has been approved by the Austin Health Human Research Ethics Committee (Project ID: HREC/18/Austin/86).

    Further information
    Please contact Dr Julie Bernhardt at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health: 03 9035 7072

    Complaints contact person
    Name: Complaints Officer
    Telephone: (03) 9496 4090 or (03) 9496 3248
  • To give your consent to participate and proceed to the questionnaire, please click 'Agree' below.
    I have read and understood this information and I wish to complete the questionnaire.

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