Saturday, February 23, 2019

Learning to assess the quality of stroke rehabilitation exercises

If we had protocols instead of guidelines then patients would be motivated to continue their exercises because they know a certain result will occur. 

Learning to assess the quality of stroke rehabilitation exercises

Published in:
· Proceeding
IUI '19 Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Pages 218-228

Marina del Ray, California — March 17 - 20, 2019
ACM New York, NY, USA ©2019
table of contents ISBN: 978-1-4503-6272-6 doi>10.1145/3301275.3302273
Authors: Min Hun Lee Carnegie Mellon University
Daniel P. Siewiorek Carnegie Mellon University
Asim Smailagic Carnegie Mellon University
Alexandre Bernadino Instituto Superior Técnico
Sergi Bermúdez i Badia Madeira Interactive Technology Institute
Learning to assess the quality of stroke rehabilitation exercises Published by ACM 2019 Article
Bibliometrics Data  Bibliometrics
· Citation Count: 0
· Downloads (cumulative): n/a
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 Due to the limited number of therapists, task-oriented exercises are often prescribed for post-stroke survivors as in-home rehabilitation. During in-home rehabilitation, a patient may become unmotivated or confused to comply prescriptions without the feedback of a therapist. To address this challenge, this paper proposes an automated method that can achieve not only qualitative, but also quantitative assessment of stroke rehabilitation exercises. Specifically, we explored a threshold model that utilizes the outputs of binary classifiers to quantify the correctness of a movements into a performance score. We collected movements of 11 healthy subjects and 15 post-stroke survivors using a Kinect sensor and ground truth scores from primary and secondary therapists. The proposed method achieves the following agreement with the primary therapist: 0.8436, 0.8264, and 0.7976 F1-scores on three task-oriented exercises. Experimental results show that our approach performs equally well or better than multi-class classification, regression, or the evaluation of the secondary therapist. Furthermore, we found a strong correlation (R2 = 0.95) between the sum of computed exercise scores and the Fugl-Meyer Assessment scores, clinically validated motor impairment index of post-stroke survivors. Our results demonstrate a feasibility of automatically assessing stroke rehabilitation exercises with the decent agreement levels and clinical relevance.

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