Friday, February 22, 2019

Tipperary to host stroke awareness event due to gap in stroke services

I bet they won't tell you about the real gap. Nothing they do will get you anywhere close to 100% recovery. Keep asking that question until they either acknowledge that it exists or that they plan on doing nothing to solve that gap. They should feel shellshocked by the questions they are getting. Ask how they are addressing all these problems in stroke.

We can't be polite anymore, that won't get us recovered. 

Tipperary to host stroke awareness event due to gap in stroke services

A free stroke awareness and information event, organised by the South Tipperary Stroke Communication Group in association with the Irish Heart Foundation, will be held on Monday, February 25 in the Clonmel Park Hotel.
The event will run from 9.30am to 1.30pm and will provide information on a range of topics including aphasia (impairment of language), brain injury, rehab and recovery, support for family and carers, risks and prevention, healthy lifestyle and medical advancements in various treatments.
Attendees at the event will hear directly from stroke survivors about their experiences and from HSE professionals about the role of exercise and diet in stroke prevention and about recovery after stroke.
Helena O’Donnell will represent the Irish Heart Foundation to speak about their network of support for stroke survivors and current advocacy campaigns for better stroke services.
There will be a presentation at the event from the No Barriers Foundation from Letterkenny, which will showcase the Eskobionics Robotic Exoskeleton, a gait therapy tool which can, in certain circumstances, help patients with spinal cord injuries to walk again whilst in the machine.
The event will be opened by Minister of State for Local Government and Electoral Reform, John Paul Phelan, TD.


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