Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Toe crest failure

I've been wearing one for years to somewhat help my curled toes. I know of no guideline or protocol on when it should be used and its efficacy.  The strap goes on my third toe. It mostly covers the second and third toes. This was never a problem until my Banos, Ecuador trip. One day we walked across a muddy trail on a 50 degree slope to get to the La Virgen statue. Then down 654 steps to get back to town. The downhill part caused the problem. The fourth toe had almost no ridge under it from the toe crest. That meant that as I was going down the top of that toenail was being pressed into the shoe. Luckily it didn't cause the nail bed to loosen and have the toenail fall off. Probably because before every trip I take I now get a pedicure. As a result of losing my left big toenail hiking around Barcelona once.
The statue, “La Virgen” honors the Holy Mother of the holy water and was built in 1987 by Father Acosta
What it looks like today

The muddy trail on the way to La Virgen, quite a slope

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