Thursday, February 21, 2019

Unexpected drug emerges for stroke recovery

Well fuck, Call up stroke leadership and get stroke researchers cracking on human trials immediately. If your doctor and stroke hospital don't do that have the president and board of directors fired. We have lots of dead wood in stroke that needs to be removed so saplings can grow and take over the forest. 

Unexpected drug emerges for stroke recovery

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Science  22 Feb 2019:
Vol. 363, Issue 6429, pp. 805
DOI: 10.1126/science.363.6429.805


In the hours after a stroke, the clot-busting treatment tissue plasminogen activator can limit damage to the brain. But once that damage is done, no drugs are known to promote recovery. New research suggests such a therapy could come from an unlikely target: a cellular protein called CCR5 that allows HIV to infect cells. Scientists found that in mice, disabling CCR5 helps surviving neurons make new connections, and that people who carry a CCR5 mutation may recover better from a stroke. They hope to launch a clinical trial this year that gives stroke patients an HIV drug that blocks CCR5.

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