Saturday, March 16, 2019

Re-imagining Stroke Environments with Virtual Reality (RiSE-VR) – research - Australian request for research guinea pigs

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Re-imagining Stroke Environments with Virtual Reality (RiSE-VR) – research

Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, 30 Royal Parade, Parkfille, VIC, 3052

This project is examining how responses and behaviours of stroke survivors can be influenced by hospital ward physical environment. There is limited scientific knowledge informing the design of hospital environments for people who have had a stroke. You are eligible for this study if you have had a stroke and are discharged from hospital at least 1 month.
Researchers from The Florey Institute and Swinburne University are exploring the responses of stroke survivors to a novel patient room design immersive virtual reality experience (VR).
Participation involves completing 2 VR sessions lasting 60 minutes each, and answering some questionnaires. This will be followed by a single interview with you to gather further details from you about the VR experience.
Researchers will measure your responses using preference and emotional ratings while using the VR experience. Your physical responses will also be tracked using a pulse and blood pressure probe, and a wearable motion sensor. This study will run for 2 years at The Florey Institute, Melbourne.
Michelle Shannon

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