Monday, April 15, 2019

25 Most Common Stroke Side Effects and Treatments from Flint Rehab

You can tell how competent your doctor is if s/he covers all this on their own, it is their responsibility to know and disseminate this to you. OR you have to find this on your own. I have a few minor quibbles in here but it is good, at least as far as guidelines go. I still expect protocols but that won't occur until stroke survivors run things in stroke.   I had to learn everything in here myself since my doctor told me nothing about how recovery would go. He knew nothing and obviously was never going to to know anything in his 20 plus years there.

25 Most Common Stroke Side Effects and Treatments from Flint Rehab

1 comment:

  1. The opposite effect, known as "masked hypertension," can also occur—some people have normal blood pressure readings at the doctor's office but high blood pressure most of the rest of the time.

    Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
