Thursday, April 25, 2019

A story about massive stroke recovery

If you have to write a story about massive stroke recovery why aren't you writing the flip side? MASSIVE stroke rehab failures by xxx hospital and Dr.  xxx and therapists?  It is your doctor and hospital responsibility to get you 100% recovered, this is more a story about the failure to do that.  And the focus needs to be on those failures and who was fired for those failures.

A story about massive stroke recovery

Stroke Survivor Spotlight

Massive stroke recovery often takes time, because it usually involves some degree of paralysis.
On Monday, we talked about different ways to overcome post-stroke paralysis, and one option is physical therapy.
Here's how stroke survivor Linda is using at-home PT to recover from massive stroke:
A home exercise program suitable for all stages of stroke recovery (even paralysis)
"On January 20, 2019 I suffered a massive stroke leaving my left side paralyzed.
After several weeks of therapy I regained my ability to walk however, my left arm and hand are still paralyzed.
I have been doing the FitMi exercises for about 3 weeks.
My shoulder and hand have regained strength and movement and I see improvement every week.
I will continue to use this amazing product and know that someday I will be back to my old self!" 
— Linda Estes
Linda's progress is quite the inspiration, isn't it?
And best of all, it's not the first time we've heard about someone rapidly overcoming post-stroke paralysis with FitMi.
A stroke survivor named Ron shared his story of how he moved his arm for the first time ever after just 3 weeks of FitMi exercise too.
Their stories prove that there's always hope for recovery.
If you want to improve movement after stroke like Linda and Ron, check out FitMi.

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