Wednesday, April 24, 2019

High-intensity respiratory muscle training improves strength and dyspnea poststroke: A double-blind randomized trial

So it works but is useless because no protocol was created and distributed worldwide.  The mentors and senior researchers associated with this should be fired. The whole fucking point of stroke rehab research is to deliver protocols. This failed at that.  Because of this failure you, your doctors and therapists will have to guess what the hell high-intensity respiratory muscle training is and what the objective starting point is. Good luck with that.  Journal editors shouldn't even allow crapola like this to be published.  A great stroke association president would ensure journals follow stroke research publishing standards.

High-intensity respiratory muscle training improves strength and dyspnea poststroke: A double-blind randomized trial

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , Volume 100(2) , Pgs. 205-212.

NARIC Accession Number: J80503.  What's this?
ISSN: 0003-9993.
Author(s): Menezes, Kenia K. P.; Nascimento, Lucas R.; Ada, Louise; Avelino, Patrick R.; Polese, Janaine C.; Alvarenga, Maria T. M.; Barbosa, Mariana H.; Texeira-Salmela, Luci F..
Publication Year: 2019.
Number of Pages: 8.


Study examined whether high-intensity, home-based respiratory muscle training would increase the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles, reduce dyspnea and respiratory complications, and improve walking capacity post-stroke. Thirty-eight patients with stroke, who had respiratory muscle weakness, were randomized to the experimental or control group. The experimental group received 40-minute high-intensity home-based respiratory muscle training (that is, with higher loads, delivered more frequently and for longer duration, than previously applied) 7 days per week, for 8 weeks, progressed weekly. The control group received a sham intervention of similar dose. The primary outcome was inspiratory muscle strength (via maximal inspiratory pressure); secondary outcomes were expiratory muscle strength (maximal expiratory pressure), inspiratory muscle endurance, dyspnea (Medical Research Council score), respiratory complications (hospitalizations), and walking capacity (6-Minute Walk Test). Outcomes were measured at baseline, after intervention, and 1 month beyond intervention. Compared to the control group, the experimental group increased inspiratory and expiratory strength, inspiratory endurance, and reduced dyspnea, and the benefits were maintained at 1 month beyond training. There was no significant between-group difference for walking capacity or respiratory complications. Results demonstrate that high-intensity home-based respiratory muscle training was effective in increasing strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles and reducing dyspnea for people with respiratory muscle weakness post stroke. The magnitude of the effect was higher, than that previously reported in studies, which applied standard protocols.

Can this document be ordered through NARIC's document delivery service*?: Not available from NARIC.

Citation: Menezes, Kenia K. P., Nascimento, Lucas R., Ada, Louise, Avelino, Patrick R., Polese, Janaine C., Alvarenga, Maria T. M., Barbosa, Mariana H., Texeira-Salmela, Luci F.. (2019). High-intensity respiratory muscle training improves strength and dyspnea poststroke: A double-blind randomized trial.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 100(2), Pgs. 205-212. Retrieved 4/24/2019, from REHABDATA database.

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