Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The future of stroke patients may depend on the part-time job of a Canadian surgeon

This points out the complete lack of stroke leadership. Leaders would take these promising ideas and run them to completion.  My god, do we have incompetency in stroke, 6 years and nothing seems to have happened.

What happened to this?

Safety and efficacy of NA-1 in patients with iatrogenic stroke after endovascular aneurysm repair (ENACT): a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial  October 2012 

Is this enough to push out to all stroke hospitals?
Who is going to do that? I want a name.

The future of stroke patients may depend on the part-time job of a Canadian surgeon

By Oliver Staley
There are roughly 100 billion neurons in the human brain.(Wrong, 80 billion) These microscopic cells transmit and process information we receive from the outside world and turn our thoughts into action. They are responsible for how we talk, how we move, and how we think. Neurons are, in many ways, what make us us.
Strokes kill neurons. By starving them of the blood that carries glucose and oxygen, strokes trigger a biochemical cascade that destroys neurons in vast numbers. Ischemic strokes—the most common form, caused by a blocked blood vessel—kill an average of 1.9 million neurons for every minute the patient is untreated. Those dead neurons add up, and in 10 hours, stroke patients can lose as many neurons as they would in 36 years of normal aging.
Roughly 15 million men, women, and children suffer strokes every year, and about half of them are fatal.(1/3 are fatal) Stroke is the second-leading killer globally, after its close cousin, heart disease, and far more deadly than cancer and the most life-threatening communicable diseases like AIDS and malaria.
Global Rank Cause Deaths (millions) % of total deaths
1 Ischemic heart disease 9.43 16.6
2 Stroke 5.78 10.2
3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3.04 5.3
4 Lower respiratory infections 2.96 5.2
5 Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias 1.99 3.5
6 Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers 1.71 3.0
7 Diabetes 1.60 2.8
8 Road injury 1.40 2.5
9 Diarrheal diseases 1.38 2.4
10 Tuberculosis 1.29 2.3
Yet despite the enormous toll of stroke, the pharmaceutical industry has been virtually powerless to treat it. After decades spent pouring billions of dollars into the pursuit of drugs to protect neurons after strokes without success, most drug companies abandoned the field by the mid-2000s.
Today, fewer than 5% of all stroke victims worldwide receive any treatment beyond basic palliative care, and the lack of effective stroke drugs remains one of the most glaring unmet needs in medicine.
Stroke is a maddeningly complex problem. The intricacy of the brain, the need for immediate action, and the variability of both strokes and the people who have them make designing and testing drugs an enormous challenge. But the medical establishment has failed stroke patients not just because the research is hard, but because of misaligned incentives, the financial pressures of an industrial drug-development model, and sloppy science.

Stroke nihilism

“Time is brain” is a longtime cliche among stroke professionals, but it’s largely true.
Death follows when a stroke causes the brain to swell, starving it of oxygen, or because the stroke destroys the body’s ability to regulate breathing or blood flow. Others die from complications like pneumonia, which can affect up to one-third of all stroke patients. Stroke weakens the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight lung infections that can occur when stroke victims, who can no longer swallow properly, wind up with food, water, or saliva in their lungs.
For most of history, health workers had no way to help stroke victims. Once a stroke was identified, the patient was made comfortable and family members were given the bad news. Stroke was viewed as a dead end—for patients, for researchers, and for neurologists looking for solutions—and stroke nihilism still permeates the medical establishment.
The bulk of progress in reducing stroke deaths has come from prevention, particularly the introduction of medicines to lower high blood pressure, a leading cause of stroke.
The first—and to date only—medical breakthrough for stroke treatment came when a drug called tissue plasminogen activator (tPA, sold globally under the brand names Activase and Actilyse) was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1996.
The goal of tPA is “reperfusion,” the act of returning blood flow to the injured part of the brain. While neurons in the immediate vicinity of the stroke can’t be saved, there’s a larger zone, called the ischemic penumbra, that can be rescued if blood flow can be restored. The longer the penumbra is deprived of blood, the less brain there is to save.
With tPA, emergency-room doctors at last had a way to treat patients. But, as with most things in the world of stroke, there were complications.
In this case, the issue was that there are two kinds of stroke. While the majority (about 85% in the US) are ischemic and caused by a blockage that can potentially be treated with tPA, the rest are hemorrhagic, caused by a ruptured blood vessel, and tPA can be be fatal in these strokes because it prevents the blood from clotting. (For that reason, the drug is also not given to patients on blood thinners or who have other complications. As many as 65% ischemic stroke patients are not eligible for tPA).
Doctors can’t administer tPA without determining the nature of the stroke and that can only be done by examining the brain with a CT scan or some other advanced brain-imaging device. There are less than 4.5 hours after the onset of stroke for doctors to  administer the drug—in many cases, not nearly enough time for a patient to get scanned. For patients over 80 or those who had a previous stroke, the window is only three hours.

Read more: With the pharma industry’s repeated failures to develop stroke treatments, stroke doctors have turned to mechanical devices that can clear blocked blood vessels in the brain.

Further, tPA is expensive. The drug, developed by Genentech, has no generic competition, and a 100 milligram vial used in a typical treatment can cost more than $8,300. It also needs to be refrigerated, a challenge for clinics in some parts of the world. As a result, the use of tPA is limited to affluent nations with sophisticated healthcare systems, and even then it is only rarely administered. Since its introduction, tPA has also been plagued by doubts about its safety, stemming from long-standing criticisms of its initial clinical trials. As a result, some doctors won’t prescribe it, even in eligible patients. Fewer than 5% of patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke in the US received the drug, according to a 2014 study. In poorer parts of the world, the number is closer to zero.
Despite tPA’s limited reach, it’s enormously profitable, estimated to make $1.5 billion (pdf) in revenue this year for Roche, the Swiss pharma giant that owns Genentech.
“The lesson they learned is that they should pursue something else.”
Given tPA’s limitations—and the enormous potential market—researchers have focused on finding a drug that preserves neurons until the brain is reperfused. These drugs, called “neuroprotective agents,” could either save the brain cells in the penumbra until the brain heals, or extend the window of time to preserve neurons in stroke patients until a clot is dissolved by tPA or removed with a mechanical device. In theory, a neuroprotective drug that could be given safely to the 15 million victims of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke each year—and that could be administered without scanning them first—could generate many times tPA’s revenues.
Jeffrey Saver, a University of California-LA neurologist at the forefront of stroke research for decades, calls neuroprotection the “Holy Grail” of stroke treatment, and like that sacred relic, its pursuit has been an epic tale of frustration and failure.
According to one landmark study, 1,026 potential neuroprotective drugs were tested between 1957 and 2003, in 8,516 separate experiments. Researchers experimented with aged-garlic extracts, uric acid, and compounds engineered from pigs’ brains. Their trials have alluring names, built out of complicated acronyms, that suggest important science is taking place: VENUS, ACTION, SAINT.
None worked.
Those failures cost billions of dollars and wasted the productive years of thousands of scientists. Worse, they salted the ground for future research, ushering in what one researcher called “the nuclear winter” for neuroprotection research. The pharma industry saw more lucrative opportunities elsewhere, and moved on.
“Sadly, the lesson they learned is that they should pursue something else,” says Myron Ginsberg, a neurologist at the University of Miami who has studied the industry’s failures.
But not all scientists accepted that conclusion. On the fringes of industrial medicine, one neurosurgeon has spent the last two decades doggedly developing a neuroprotective agent.

The great white north of neuroscience

The best hope for stroke patients may come not from the giant research labs of industrial pharma, or the biotech hotbeds of Boston or San Francisco, but from the relative backwater of Toronto, Ontario.
Michael Tymianski, now 55, has been working on his drug, called NA-1, since the late 1990s, when researchers were still infused with optimism about developing a stroke treatment. A tall, balding man with a furious work ethic, Tymianski poured himself into developing NA-1 while holding down his day job as a neurosurgeon at a Toronto hospital. His plan was always to develop the drug to the point where it could be tested in humans, then sell it to a pharma company. But no buyers materialized, and eventually Tymianski stopped looking.

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