Friday, May 17, 2019

Protect your heart with the top-ranked Mediterranean diet

Are we supposed to thank you for pretty much a useless piece of crapola? There is nothing specific in this diet that can be followed with any regularity.  Or you can follow this Spaniard; I'm sure he would consider his diet Mediterranean.

Man Dies Aged 107, Thanked Red Wine For Long Life - 3 liters a day, no water

Don't listen to me, I'm not medically trained. Or is the real reason this diet works is because every day you need to walk to the market to get food?


Protect your heart with the top-ranked Mediterranean diet

Newswise | May 15, 2019

Why this plant-based diet is a winner

Earlier this year, US News & World Report issued its annual rankings of the best diets. This year’s winner: the Mediterranean diet, a plant-based diet shown to help prevent diabetes and protect the heart.
“The Mediterranean diet is a very healthy eating style that has been shown to improve cardiovascular risk factors—even for patients who already have heart disorders,” says Murray Mittleman, MD, DrPH, director of cardiovascular epidemiological research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
A new study in the medical journal Lancet examined people’s eating habits across 195 countries and estimated how much diets contribute to cardiovascular disease and mortality. The study found that countries where people eat a Mediterranean diet scored the best for their health.

What makes this diet stand out?

The Mediterranean diet and lifestyle offer subtle differences that may reduce the risk of heart disease, while also making it easier to stick to healthy eating habits.
According to the American Heart Association, traditional Mediterranean diets focus on the following:
  • Consistently using olive oil instead of saturated fats such as butter, lard and cottonseed, palm and coconut oils(But you don't tell us EXACTLY how much per weight and sex to have each day.)
  • Eating only small to moderate amounts of dairy products, eggs, fish and poultry(Small tells us nothing.)
  • Eating very little red meat(Little tells us nothing.)
  • Drinking wine in low-to-moderate amounts(Low-to-moderate tells us nothing.)
  • Eating primarily beans, nuts and grains, as well as fruits and vegetables
“The Mediterranean diet also emphasizes people eat a very low intake of refined carbohydrates and very little processed food,” adds Mittleman. “This is an important distinction because reducing these two food categories is also an important way to lower fat and salt intake.”
In addition, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes smaller portion sizes. “The Mediterranean diet is very sustainable and livable,” says Mittleman. “There’s a lot of variety and it’s easy to maintain. The diet’s heart-healthy benefits will pay you back for a lifetime."

Make the mediterranean diet part of your routine

Get started with these recipes, developed by Liz Moore, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and author of the CardioVascular Institute’s Hungry Heart Cookbook.

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