Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Putting the “Sensory” Into Sensorimotor Control: The Role of Sensorimotor Integration in Goal-Directed Hand Movements After Stroke

But is this better than the Margaret Yekutiel  book about this from 2001, 'Sensory Re-Education of the Hand After Stroke'? The objective should have been to update the sersorimotor recovery protocol with the newest research results.  Not whatever the fuck this review was for.  Lots of big words in here but I see nothing that even remotely looks like useful rehab interventions. And the conclusion is more research needed.


Putting the “Sensory” Into Sensorimotor Control: The Role of Sensorimotor Integration in Goal-Directed Hand Movements After Stroke

  • 1Neuroscience Graduate Program, Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States
  • 2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Laney Graduate School, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States
  • 3Department of Neurology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States
  • 4Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States
Integration of sensory and motor information is one-step, among others, that underlies the successful production of goal-directed hand movements necessary for interacting with our environment. Disruption of sensorimotor integration is prevalent in many neurologic disorders, including stroke. In most stroke survivors, persistent paresis of the hand reduces function and overall quality of life. Current rehabilitative methods are based on neuroplastic principles to promote motor learning that focuses on regaining motor function lost due to paresis, but the sensory contributions to motor control and learning are often overlooked and currently understudied. There is a need to evaluate and understand the contribution of both sensory and motor function in the rehabilitation of skilled hand movements after stroke. Here, we will highlight the importance of integration of sensory and motor information to produce skilled hand movements in healthy individuals and individuals after stroke. We will then discuss how compromised sensorimotor integration influences relearning of skilled hand movements after stroke. Finally, we will propose an approach to target sensorimotor integration through manipulation of sensory input and motor output that may have therapeutic implications.


Goal-directed movements of the hand are required to perform most tasks of daily living, such as tying a shoe, buttoning a shirt, and typing, among others. These highly coordinated voluntary movements involve interacting with and manipulating objects in the environment and rely on sensorimotor integration. Sensorimotor integration is the ability to incorporate sensory inputs that provide information about one’s body and the external environment to inform and shape motor output (Wolpert et al., 1998). More specifically, sensory inputs for goal-directed hand movements provide information in an egocentric reference frame detailing location, size, weight, and shape of an object. In addition, kinematic information about the hand and upper extremity, including the trajectory needed to interact with the object, is provided. Successful integration of information contributes to generating the most efficient motor plan to execute a given task. Additionally, ongoing sensory feedback during motor performance refines the motor plan to optimize current and future performance. This process of sensorimotor integration is often disrupted in neurological disorders, such as stroke.
Stroke is defined as infarction of central nervous system tissue attributable to ischemia, based on neuropathological, neuroimaging, and/or clinical evidence of permanent injury (Sacco et al., 2013). Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and remains the number one leading cause of long-term adult disability (Benjamin et al., 2017). Furthermore, the loss of productivity after stroke currently costs the United States an average of $33.9 billion per year and is expected to reach $56 billion by 2030 (Ovbiagele et al., 2013), making stroke a public health crisis. A primary contributor to persistent disability after stroke is incomplete motor recovery (Lai et al., 2002). Spontaneous biological recovery of motor function occurs during the first months after stroke (Cramer, 2008), underlying a current emphasis on intensive early intervention, although results are often mixed and complex (Bernhardt et al., 2017a). Despite intensive therapy, upper extremity impairment resolves up to 70% of baseline function for a given patient with some patients showing even less recovery than predicted (Winters et al., 2015). Most stroke survivors are left with a limited ability to perform skilled hand movements necessary for daily functioning (Lang et al., 2013). To reduce disability after stroke, there is a need to improve our understanding of the neuronal network physiology necessary to regain skilled functional hand use.
Currently, the field has primarily investigated motor deficits and motor learning with limited consideration of the role of sensory information, even though it is recognized that integration of sensory information is a critical component of motor control (Borich et al., 2015; Bolognini et al., 2016). Furthermore, evidence has shown that sensory input is important for recovery after stroke. In a systematic review, Meyer et al. found that across six studies, the extent of deficits in proprioception and light touch of the arm and hand were significantly related to recovery after stroke (Meyer et al., 2014). Despite evidence that sensory input is a critical component to motor execution, research nomenclature has been primarily focused on motor characteristics post-stroke and has therefore not capitalized fully on the information a sensorimotor perspective could provide. This observation is supported by a literature search showing an emphasis towards motor recovery and learning after stroke, over sensorimotor recovery and learning, with limited focus on sensorimotor integration (Figure 1). While it is possible that authors may use these terms interchangeably, the literature search terminology suggests that there is potential bias towards motor contributions. Therefore, there is an important gap in our understanding of the contributions of sensorimotor integration to recovery.
www.frontiersin.org Figure 1. PubMed search results for both motor and sensorimotor aspects of learning and stroke recovery. More publications focused on motor learning and recovery than on both motor and sensory components of learning and recovery. Furthermore, there were a relatively small number of publications involving sensorimotor integration and stroke compared to sensorimotor integration overall. “Sensorimotor,” “Sensori-motor,” and “Sensory motor” were all used to ensure differences in terminology did not affect the search results. Additionally, “Sensory motor” and “Sensory-motor” produced the same search results.
In the following brief review, we will highlight the importance of processing and integrating sensory and motor information that underlies skill performance and learning with an emphasis on skilled hand movements in stroke. We will focus primarily on three cortical regions: primary motor cortex (M1), posterior parietal cortex (PPC) and primary somatosensory cortex (S1) while briefly mentioning other cortical and subcortical brain areas also involved in sensorimotor integration. These brain regions are highlighted due to our focus on the integration of sensory and motor information at the level of the cortex, but also because these cortical areas receive blood supply from the middle cerebral artery (MCA), which is the most common type of stroke (Walcott et al., 2014). Furthermore, all three brain regions contribute to the corticospinal tract (CST) that provide necessary contributions to executing and controlling skilled hand movements routinely used in daily life. It should be noted that strokes occur in other brain regions but usually have less of an impact on sensorimotor integration underlying goal-directed, skilled hand movements and are outside the primary scope of this review article.
In the first section of this review article, we will discuss the role of sensorimotor integration via M1, PPC, and S1 in normal, skilled hand movements. We will then discuss how sensorimotor integration is affected by stroke and how impaired sensorimotor integration can impact relearning of skilled hand movements. Last, we propose an approach to target sensorimotor integration by manipulating sensory input and restricting motor output that may have therapeutic implications for stroke recovery.

More at link. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, lots of big words and nothing useful. My stroke messed up motor control, feeling , & proprioception on left side. After 6 years, I have recovered a lot of motor control for gross arm & hand movements, but few useful ADL's because no dexterity. My sensory & proprioception have been tested twice and barely register. How do you learn to manipulate or control anything with your hand and fingers if the only feedback to the brain is sight?
