Saturday, June 1, 2019

I have physics envy

Physics obeys complex but definable laws, meaning they behave in predictable and measurable ways in almost every context. Found this in the book, 'Happy Brain; Where happiness comes from, and Why' by Dean Burnett.  I want stroke to behave the same way, the brain may be more complex than most physics problems but I don't even see anybody stating they are going to solve this regardless. THAT is what LEADERS DO, they tackle the difficult problems. We have NO LEADERS IN STROKE.  I have a friend that worked on building parts of the Large Hadron Collider. It found the Higgs boson. Someone with leadership and the intellectual capacity to envision how to do that is needed in stroke. 

WSO - WORLD STROKE ORGANIZATION, president Michael Brainin, Austria 

I see ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in here that suggests that the WSO has the capacity to solve stroke. So Michael Brainin, Austria; Why don't you step down and let someone with that capacity actually solve stroke? Of course you have to blame the board of directors for not knowing what they need to accomplish. 100% RECOVERY FOR ALL SURVIVORS.

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