Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Leaving the Lights on Using Gamma Entrainment to Protect against Neurodegeneration

Has your stroke hospital done anything with these earlier ones?


Leaving the Lights on Using Gamma Entrainment to Protect against Neurodegeneration

Refers to
Chinnakkaruppan Adaikkan, Steven J. Middleton, Asaf Marco, Ping-Chieh Pao, Hansruedi Mathys, David Nam-Woo Kim, Fan Gao, Jennie Z. Young, Ho-Jun Suk, Edward S. Boyden, Thomas J. McHugh, Li-Huei Tsai
Gamma Entrainment Binds Higher-Order Brain Regions and Offers Neuroprotection
Neuron, Volume 102, Issue 5, 5 June 2019, Pages 929-943.e8
The brain generates natural oscillations from coordinated neuronal activity. Recent work exploring gamma oscillation entrainment raised the possibility that the phenomenon can be exploited to preserve neural function. In this issue of Neuron, Adaikkan et al. (2019) now show that chronic gamma entrainment using visual stimuli protects against several neurodegenerative phenotypes.

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