Monday, June 24, 2019

Lived experience of stroke report - Stroke Association of the UK

At least they are trying to understand stroke deficits and help survivors. I see absolutely nothing like this from the National Stroke Association, the American Stroke Association, or the World Stroke Organization. They shouldn't even have stroke in their names, they are useless for survivors. 

Lived experience of stroke report - Stroke Association of the UK

In 2018, we conducted the biggest ever survey of stroke survivors and their carers to find out more about their lives. Over 10,000 people closely affected by stroke in the UK took the time to share their stories with us.
We now know more about the everyday experiences of those living with the effects of stroke, which can sometimes last a lifetime.
We will share what we learnt in four chapters throughout the year. The first chapter of this report looks at the hidden effects that stroke can have on its survivors.

Chapter 1 - Hidden effects of stroke

While some effects of a stroke may be obvious to others, many effects like emotional changesmemory loss and extreme tiredness are harder to see.
We know that the hidden effects of stroke can turn people’s lives upside down. We are dedicated to helping stroke survivors and their families lead the best life possible.
With time, courage and the right support, stroke survivors told us that they start to feel like they are on the road to recovery.
Read chapter 1 - Hidden effects of stroke, below:

Report results

Click here to see the results in Wales: English version | Welsh version

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