Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Earliest Signs of Alzheimer’s Everyone Over 50 Should Know

The Earliest Signs of Alzheimer’s Everyone Over 50 Should Know
Alzheimer’s—the most common type of dementia—affects millions of Americans. According to a recent study published in the Alzheimer’s Association’s journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia, as many as 5 million Americans were living with the disease in 2014. Unfortunately, since most Alzheimer’s patients are diagnosed after 60 years old, many of its early signs seem like normal age-related issues at first, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But, if left untreated, the condition’s effects extend well beyond occasionally losing keys or forgetting someone’s name. When it comes to Alzheimer’s, every minute counts—so read on to discover the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s that everyone over 50 should know. And for more ways to stay mentally fit as you age, check out these 20 Surprising Habits That Reduce Your Alzheimer’s Risk.
  1. Forgetting the Names of Friends and Family Members
  2. Becoming Totally Uninterested in Everything
  3. Putting Things in Strange Places
  4. Exhibiting Poor Judgement
  5. Forgetting the Names of Everyday Objects
  6. Needing Constant Memory Aids
  7. Getting Lost in Familiar Places
  8. Becoming Aggressive
  9. Becoming Agitated
  10. Becoming Socially Withdrawn
  11. Not Being Able to Keep Track of and Pay Bills
  12. Misplacing Words While Talking
  13. Experiencing Confusion
  14. Having a Shortened Attention Span
  15. Taking Longer to Complete Basic Tasks
  16.  Becoming Suspicious or Distrustful of Others
  17. Sudden Mood Swings
  18. Not Being Able to Follow Recipes
  19. Forgetting Conversations
  20. Wearing Inappropriate Clothing
  21. Not Being Able to Play Familiar Games
  22. Forgetting You've Already Said Something
  23. Finding It Hard to Make Phone Calls
  24. Engaging in Impulsive Behavior
  25. Becoming Unable to Multitask
Details at link.

Your doctor needs a protocol to prevent that descent into dementia. I don't care that it doesn't exist today. Your doctor needs to do their job and either create or find one that is effective. 

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