Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Association between Gait Performance and the Trunk Extension Range of Motion in Post-stroke Hemiplegia

Useless until you write up a protocol on how to increase trunk extension.  Describing a problem does absolutely no good unless you provide a solution.

Association between Gait Performance and the Trunk Extension Range of Motion in Post-stroke Hemiplegia

脳卒中片麻痺の歩行能力は体幹伸展可動域と関連する.  Rigakuryoho Kagaku , Volume 33(6) , Pgs. 947-950.

NARIC Accession Number: I245423.  What's this?
Author(s): RYO FUJITANI; Takumi JIROUMARU; Masae IKEYA; Takashi UOZAKI; Hitoshi ONISHI; Hiroko KAWASAKI; Mika SUZUKI; Takashi YASUDA; Hitomi BUNKI.
Publication Year: 2018.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the association between gait performance and trunk extension range of motion in post-stroke hemiplegia. The study involved 12 patients with post-stroke hemiplegia during the maintenance phase, whose active/passive trunk extension ranges of motion were measured, adopting the Japanese Orthopedic Association’s method. As for gait performance, the patients’ gait velocity, cadence, and stride length were calculated from their 10-m Test scores and examined using Pearson’s correlation analysis. The active trunk extension range of motion showed strong correlations with the gait velocity and stride length. The trunk extension range of motion of the patients with post-stroke hemiplegia represented their gait performance. Based on these findings, the active trunk extension range of motion may be associated with gait in post-stroke hemiplegia.
Descriptor Terms: Gait, Hemiplegia, Range of motion, Stroke.
Language: Japanese
Geographic Location(s): Japan, East & Southeast Asia.

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Citation: RYO FUJITANI, Takumi JIROUMARU, Masae IKEYA, Takashi UOZAKI, Hitoshi ONISHI, Hiroko KAWASAKI, Mika SUZUKI, Takashi YASUDA, Hitomi BUNKI. (2018). Association between Gait Performance and the Trunk Extension Range of Motion in Post-stroke Hemiplegia.  脳卒中片麻痺の歩行能力は体幹伸展可動域と関連する.  Rigakuryoho Kagaku , 33(6), Pgs. 947-950. Retrieved 8/20/2019, from REHABDATA database.

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