Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Circadian activity rhythm and fragmentation are associated with sleep-wake patterns and sleep quality in patients with stroke

My conclusion being a sleep protocol needs to be written up. 

Circadian activity rhythm and fragmentation are associated with sleep-wake patterns and sleep quality in patients with stroke

Neurorehabilitation , Volume 44(3) , Pgs. 353-360.

NARIC Accession Number: J81307.  What's this?
ISSN: 1053-8135.
Author(s): de Oliveira, Debora C.; Ferreira, aula R. C.; Fernandes, Aline B. G. S.; Pacheco, Thaiana B. F.; Avelino, Matheus M. L.; Cavalcanti, Fabricia A. C.; Vieira, Edgar R.; Fernandes, Tania.
Publication Year: 2019.
Number of Pages: 8.
Abstract: Study evaluated the circadian activity rhythm and its influence on sleep-wake patterns in patients with stroke. Ten adults with and 10 without stroke participated in the study; they were matched on age, sex and educational level. Neurological status, motor function, sleep quality, and activity levels were measured. The groups were compared using Student t-tests and the association between the measures was assessed using Pearson’s correlation. Compared to people without stroke, those with stroke had worse sleep quality, twice as low 24-hour activity levels, higher inter-daily stability and intra-daily variability, lower activity during the most active 10  hours and during the least active 5  hours. Sleep quality was associated with activity level and with within-day activity variability. The results indicate poorer quality of sleep in patients with stroke. Activity rhythm and fragmentation can alter the sleep-wake pattern and impair quality of sleep in patients with stroke, thus it needs be considered in the rehabilitation process.

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Citation: de Oliveira, Debora C., Ferreira, aula R. C., Fernandes, Aline B. G. S., Pacheco, Thaiana B. F., Avelino, Matheus M. L., Cavalcanti, Fabricia A. C., Vieira, Edgar R., Fernandes, Tania. (2019). Circadian activity rhythm and fragmentation are associated with sleep-wake patterns and sleep quality in patients with stroke.  Neurorehabilitation , 44(3), Pgs. 353-360. Retrieved 8/20/2019, from REHABDATA database.

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