Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Clipping affected hand fingernails, approaching failure

I clip my good hand by placing the toenail clipper on the bathroom countertop, insert fingernail and use my chin to push the handle down and clip the nail. So far minimal cutting into flesh. 

The affected hand is much harder, my wrist spasticity turns the hand/fingers down and away from my sight. This results in flesh being cut quite a few times. So far I haven't had to carry a clipper along with me and ask bar patrons to cut my fingernails, it would be well worth the cost of a beer. I do get a pedicure for my toenails every three months, maybe manicure?


  1. Dean,
    Check out this Press-On One-Handed Nail Clipper:

    It works great on good gand and good hand has no trouble doing weak hand, even though my weak hand fingers will not stay straight very long before spasticity kicks in to curl them.
    Then I finish up with these:
