Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evaluation of motor imagery ability in neurological patients: a review

Survivors don't give a damn about a review, they want protocols that deliver recovery results. Only 7 years old, has your stroke hospital done one damn thing about this paper?  OR DID INCOMPETENCE REAR ITS' UGLY HEAD ONCE AGAIN?

Evaluation of motor imagery ability in neurological patients: a review

Elke Heremans1, Sarah Vercruysse1, Joke Spildooren1, Peter Feys2, Werner F Helsen3 and Alice Nieuwboer1
1 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 2 REVAL Rehabilitation & Healthcare Research Center, PHL-University College, & BIOMED, Universiteit Hasselt, Hasselt, Belgium 3 Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Received 5 February 2012 – Accepted 21 November 2012


Motor imagery is a promising new intervention strategy within neurological rehabilitation. However, previous studies have shown that the ability to perform motor imagery is not well preserved in all neurological patients. Therefore, patients’ motor imagery ability needs to be thoroughly examined when they are included in motor imagery rehabilitation programs or studies. In the past, objective methods to evaluate motor imagery were lacking rigour, and participants’ imagery ability was often insufficiently assessed. The present paper discusses several methods to assess motor imagery ability and discusses their specific advantages and disadvantages. As well, an overview is given of studies applying these methods in patients with stroke, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
Key words: Motor imagery, eye movements, hand movements, mental practice, imagery ability, neurorehabilitation
R´esum´ e. ´Evaluation des capacit´es d’imagerie motrice chez les patients victimes d’une atteinte neurologique.
L’imagerie motrice est une technique prometteuse pour la r´eadaptation des patients victimes d’une atteinte neurologique. Plusieurs ´etudes ont cependant montr´e que la capacit´e`a utiliser efficacement l’imagerie motrice n’est pas n´ecessairement pr´eserv´ee chez tous les patients. Aussi, il est indispensable de l’´evaluer objectivement avant d’incorporer un travail mental au cours des programmes de r´ e´ education. Par le pass´e, les m´ethodes objectives utilis´ees pour ´evaluer les capacit´es individuelles d’imagerie ont souvent manqu´e de rigueur. Parfois, ces capacit´es n’´etaient mˆeme pas consid´er´ees. Cet article pr´esente les avantages et inconv´enients des diff´erentes m´ethodes permettant de le faire. Les applications chez les patients ayant subi un accident vasculaire c´er´ebral et les personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson ou de la scl´erose en plaques sont ´egalement abord´ees.
Mots cl´es : Imagerie motrice, mouvements oculaires, mouvements de la main, pratique mentale, capacit´e d’imagerie, neuro-r´ehabilitation

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