Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Immediate Effects of Training for Quick Lateral Movement of the Trunk on the Gait Function of Patients with Hemiplegia

Well if this works write it up as a stroke protocol and distribute it to every stroke doctor and therapist in the world. OR, distribute the protocol to every one of the

10 million yearly stroke survivors  now and into the future forever. Your job is not done just by writing this paper.  Or get a great stroke association up and running and have them do the distribution.


Immediate Effects of Training for Quick Lateral Movement of the Trunk on the Gait Function of Patients with Hemiplegia

片麻痺患者の歩行能力に対する 素早い体幹運動の即時効果.  Rigakuryoho Kagaku , Volume 33(6) , Pgs. 857-862.

NARIC Accession Number: I245437.  What's this?
Author(s): Akari MURAKAMI; Miina KOZUKI; YUKI SANO; Tatsunori MURAKAMI; Yasutaka YAMADA; Akira IWATA.
Publication Year: 2018.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of quick lateral trunk movement training on gait function in stroke patients. Participants were patients hospitalized after stroke, who could walk alone, with or without a cane. Participants underwent two types of training: one required the patients to move their trunk laterally as quickly as possible with their arms crossed in a seated position (arms crossed seated side tapping: AC-SST); the other was posture maintenance with the trunk tilted laterally to the maximum extent. Gait speed, stride, and cadence were measured before and after each task. AC-SST improved participants’ gait speed, stride, and cadence. On the other hand, the training to maintain posture did not result in any significant changes. In summary, the quick lateral trunk movement training immediately improved the gait function of patients with hemiplegia.
Descriptor Terms: Gait, Hemiplegia, Mobility training, Stroke.
Language: Japanese
Geographic Location(s): Japan, East & Southeast Asia.

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Citation: Akari MURAKAMI, Miina KOZUKI, YUKI SANO, Tatsunori MURAKAMI, Yasutaka YAMADA, Akira IWATA. (2018). Immediate Effects of Training for Quick Lateral Movement of the Trunk on the Gait Function of Patients with Hemiplegia.  片麻痺患者の歩行能力に対する 素早い体幹運動の即時効果.  Rigakuryoho Kagaku , 33(6), Pgs. 857-862. Retrieved 8/20/2019, from REHABDATA database.

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