Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Lower-limb motor coordination is significantly impaired in ambulatory people with chronic stroke: A cross-sectional study

So fucking what if it is impaired? What are you going to do about it? With no protocol, I guess nothing.  I would fire you. Couldn't find the LEMOCOT test, so no clue how objective it is.

Lower-limb motor coordination is significantly impaired in ambulatory people with chronic stroke: A cross-sectional study

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (formerly the Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine) , Volume 49(4) , Pgs. 322-326.

NARIC Accession Number: J81408.  What's this?
ISSN: 1650-1977.
Author(s): Menezes, Kenia K. P.; Nascimento, Lucas R.; Pinheheiro, Marina B.; Scianni, Aline A.; Faria, Christina D. C. M.; Avelino, Patrick R.; Faria-Fortini, Iza; Teixeira-Salmela, Luci F..
Publication Year: 2017.
Number of Pages: 5.
Abstract: Study examined the deficits of motor coordination of the lower limbs after stroke, in comparison with healthy controls, and investigated whether the magnitude of the deficits would be influenced by the levels of motor recovery. Lower-limb motor coordination of both 97 individuals with chronic stroke (55 men, mean age 58 years) and 97 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers was measured using the Lower Extremity Motor Coordination Test (LEMOCOT). The motor coordination deficits of the participants with stroke were analyzed all together and separated, according to their levels of motor recovery, measured using the Fugl-Meyer lower-limb motor section scores. Results indicated that motor coordination was significantly impaired on both paretic and non-paretic lower limbs. Significant differences in the LEMOCOT scores were found between the levels of motor recovery, except between the participants with marked and moderate impairments. This study found that motor coordination of the lower limbs is significantly impaired after stroke, but the deficits of the non-paretic lower limb (17 percent) appear not to be clinically relevant. These findings suggest that interventions prescribed to improve motor coordination after stroke should focus on the paretic lower limb and/or include bilateral activities.

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Citation: Menezes, Kenia K. P., Nascimento, Lucas R., Pinheheiro, Marina B., Scianni, Aline A., Faria, Christina D. C. M., Avelino, Patrick R., Faria-Fortini, Iza, Teixeira-Salmela, Luci F.. (2017). Lower-limb motor coordination is significantly impaired in ambulatory people with chronic stroke: A cross-sectional study.  Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (formerly the Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine) , 49(4), Pgs. 322-326. Retrieved 8/20/2019, from REHABDATA database.

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