Friday, August 2, 2019

Man, 27, suffers stroke after tattooing

Something seems wrong with this story. If he had kept taking blood thinning drugs he likely would have died. 

Man, 27, suffers stroke after tattooing

A 27-year-old man from the Russian city of Tyumen suffered a stroke and almost died after tattooing.
A man was half paralyzed and could not speak and was diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke.
The man decided to get a tattoo, and so that during the procedure there was no bleeding, he stopped taking blood-thinning drugs, which the doctors prescribed for him because of congenital heart disease and a number of operations carried out on this occasion.
Since the patient had intracranial hemorrhage, he had to undergo surgery urgently. Neurosurgeons managed to prevent compression of the brain and stop the death of nerve cells, creating conditions for the subsequent restoration of lost body functions.
The patient spent almost three months in the hospital. During the rehabilitation treatment, he re-learned to talk, walk, sit, stand, move his arms and legs.
According to the doctors, there are chances of a full recovery, but this takes time.(Only a 10% chance, but I'm sure the doctors didn't tell him it was that fucking low.)

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