Sunday, September 29, 2019

FibriCheck smartphone app for checking heart rhythm disorder

Ask your doctor about this.

The app helping to prevent stroke: FibriCheck
FibriCheck was the first smartphone app designed to detect heart rhythm disorder, without using any external medical devices, to receive a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
Co-founded by Bieke Van Gorp and Lars Grieten in Belgium, FibriCheck can help prevent stroke by detecting atrial fibrillation and other heart rhythm disorders using a smartphone or smartwatch.
By placing a finger on the smartphone’s camera, the app measures a person’s heart rhythm for one minute and gives them a detailed report and immediate actionable results, reviewed by FibriCheck’s team of medical experts. Users can then track their heart rhythm history and look back on how it has changed.
FibriCheck has received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and designation as a diagnostic device. It can now be used by clinicians around the world thanks to this as well as its European Conformity (CE) medical approval. Over 130,000 people have so far been screened using the app.

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