Monday, November 11, 2019

Model for prompt and effective classification of motion recovery after stroke considering muscle strength and coordination factors

You can look at the two figures in the link to see if you can make heads or tails of what they are trying to suggest.  Have your doctor evaluate the following equation and address how solving it will get you to 100% recovery.

Model for prompt and effective classification of motion recovery after stroke considering muscle strength and coordination factors

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Muscle synergies are now widely discussed as a method for evaluating the existence of redundant neural networks that can be activated to enhance stroke rehabilitation. However, this approach was initially conceived to study muscle coordination during learned motions in healthy individuals. After brain damage, there are several neural adaptations that contribute to the recovery of motor strength, with muscle coordination being one of them. In this study, a model is proposed that assesses motion based on surface electromyography (sEMG) according to two main factors closely related to the neural adaptations underlying motor recovery: (1) the correct coordination of the muscles involved in a particular motion and (2) the ability to tune the effective strength of each muscle through muscle fiber contractions. These two factors are hypothesized to be affected differently by brain damage. Therefore, their independent evaluation will play an important role in understanding the origin of stroke-related motor impairments.


The model proposed was validated by analyzing sEMG data from 18 stroke patients with different paralysis levels and 30 healthy subjects. While the factors necessary to describe motion were stable across heathy subjects, there was an increasing disassociation for stroke patients with severe motor impairment.


The clear dissociation between the coordination of muscles and the tuning of their strength demonstrates the importance of evaluating these factors in order to choose appropriate rehabilitation therapies.(What the hell are those therapies?) The model described in this research provides an efficient approach to promptly evaluate these factors through the use of two intuitive indexes.


As a consequence of the population aging around the world, stroke has become a widespread concern [1]. Depending on the brain area and size of the injury, the consequences of motor impairments vary significantly [2]. It has been widely shown that in order to enhance stroke rehabilitation with respect to effective motor recovery, it is necessary to start therapy shortly after the cerebrovascular accident [35]. Therefore, the use of inefficient treatments during early stages of rehabilitation, might result in an insufficient motor recovery. More than 60% of stroke survivors have remaining motor paralysis, resulting in serious social cost and affecting their quality of life for the rest of their lives [6, 7].
In recent years, the concept of muscle synergies has been widely discussed to clarify the biological basis for activating the redundant musculoskeletal system of stroke survivors [810]. According to this model, during motor learning, the plastic nature of neurons creates modules or neural networks (called synergies) that are specialized for different tasks [10, 11]. Synergies control the contraction of a set of muscles using a low-dimensional set of control commands originating from the brain [1215]. It has been proposed that use of the remaining neural pathways could potentiate post-stroke recovery. A study on stroke patients with affected frontal motor cortical areas shows similar synergies in both arms (i.e., paretic and non-paretic) irrespective of their motion performance [16], suggesting a synergetic behavior independent of task constraints. In addition, another study [17] reveals the natural emergence of new muscle synergies during the learning process associated to the control of a myoelectric interface. However, these findings conflicts with other studies that show abnormal synergies appearing for the paretic arm of stroke patients [9, 18, 19]. This phenomenon was further evaluated by [20] in 31 stroke survivors. Paretic and non-paretic upper limb synergies were compared, showing three different behaviors on the non-paretic side: preservation, merging, and fractionation of synergies. Each behavior was affected differently by the level of motor impairment and poststroke duration. These results predict a wide range of stroke conditions from the perspective of muscle synergies, highlighting the importance of individual patient-by-patient evaluations. In order to clarify the origin of these results, it is necessary to understand the reasons behind the development of the muscle synergy approach and contrast them with the main concerns in the field of stroke rehabilitation.
Learned motions are perceived by healthy individuals as simple and easy, even though they require the complex coordination of muscles. The concept of muscle synergies was originally developed to explain the neural processes that provide the brain with tools to reduce the kinesiological complexity behind this coordination. However, after a stroke, the failure in motor control occurs not in the spinal cord but in the brain. Although studying the appearance of new muscle synergies after brain damage is necessary, current knowledge on this topic is not enough to choose an appropriate rehabilitation treatment. Neural recovery starts at the brain level, and depending on the severity of the injury will trigger changes at the spinal and muscular levels [21]. In this scenario, motor recovery relies not only on the neural process of motor coordination but also on all the physiological processes underlying motor strength gaining [22]. It is currently agreed that gains in voluntarily motor strength depend on two main factors: neural adaptations and muscle hypertrophy [22]. Brain damage alone does not affect muscle fiber condition; therefore, the loss of motor strength directly after a stroke is related to malfunctions of neural adaptations. The current literature enumerates these issues as malfuncitons of potentiation of neural connectivity, motor unit synchronization, muscle coordination, and learning [23]. The study of these neural adaptations during motion recovery is a challenging task due to the complexity of the neural system and current technological limitations on their measurement. However, it is possible to infer their effects on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals by evaluating muscle activation according to the following two factors. (1) The neural adaptations in charge of muscle coordination and learning affect the distribution of electrical power among all muscles contributing to the motion. (2) Structural and synaptic neural connectivity and the processes underlying the recruitment of motor units affect the ability to tune the effective strength of each muscle contraction. Assuming the symmetrical properties of the healthy human body, a in this study a model is proposed for evaluating these two factors during periodic symmetrical motions through the analysis of sEMG signals.
During motion in healthy individuals, the mechanisms of muscle coordination and the tuning of effective muscle strength compensate for each other, thereby creating stable muscle synergies. In this research, it is hypothesized that after brain damage, these two factors are affected differently (i.e., disassociated), thus generating a wider range of motor impairments. As these factors are directly related to the neural adaptations underlying motor recovery, their measurement will facilitate the prompt identification of the neural origins of the motor impairment, and therefore the selection of an effective rehabilitation therapy.

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