Monday, November 11, 2019

Motor imagery effectiveness for mirror reversed movements

So survivors are still guessing how to recover. Aren't you glad that decades of stroke research has led to NO stroke protocols or knowledge on how to recover? Schadenfreude will be too late for our researchers to recover from their strokes. 1 in 4 per WHO will have a stroke. 

Motor imagery effectiveness for mirror reversed movements

Ursula Debarnot & Gaetano Valenza & Stéphane Champely & Enzo Pasquale Scilingo & Danilo De Rossi & Aymeric Guillot
Published online: 19 November 2010 # The Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2010


Physical practice is known to enhance motor adaptation skills, which refer to the individual ability to compensate for environmental changes. So far, it is still unknown whether a similar effect can be observed following motor imagery (MI). Thirty-nine participants were tested during a joystick tracking task under both normal and mirror conditions (i.e., the inductive direction of the joystick was reversed), before and after a physical practice or MI training phase. Eye movements and electromyographic activity were recorded during MI. Motor performance was also evaluated after a 6 h interval during daytime. As compared to the control group, the results revealed that both MI and physical practice improved motor performance in the mirror condition, during the posttraining test. Furthermore, the time to complete the task was further reduced after 6 hours, both in the normal and mirror conditions. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of MI for learning mirror-reversed movements, and for the consolidation process that follows motor adaptation.

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