Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Queen’s study says hormone involved in exercise could slow Alzheimer’s disease

Now your doctor needs to get you recovered enough to do the exercise and create an EXACT PROTOCOL for the amount of exercise needed to produce this irisin.

Since this is in mice your doctor will need to followup with researchers to get human testing done.  

From October 2013 came this:

Newly identified protein helps explain how exercise boosts brain health

Did your doctor do one damn thing with this? Or didn't s/he even know about it? Do you prefer your doctor incompetency not knowing or not doing?


Queen’s study says hormone involved in exercise could slow Alzheimer’s disease

A study conducted at Queen’s University found that a hormone developed through exercise could slow or halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Fernanda De Felice oversaw the study, which was co-authored by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro before it was published in Nature Medicine on Monday.
“What we found was Alzheimer patients have less of the hormone irisin,” De Felice said. She continued by saying, “this molecule is developed through exercise, and is responsible for the protective actions in our brain.”
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De Felice explained that irisin helps rescue disrupted synapses that allow for communication between brain cells and memory formation.
She and her team have been researching irisin for nearly seven years and have tested their theory on mice, which proved to be successful.

“They [mice] had some symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease including memory loss, but when we treated these animals with irisin, they pretty much act normally and are able to remember,” De Felice said.
READ MORE: U of A professors research link between proteins and Alzheimer’s
According to De Felice, this ground-breaking discovery is important for humankind because curing dementia and Alzheimer’s is one of the greatest current and future health care challenges.
De Felice says daily exercise is not only required to lessen the chances of Alzheimer’s for seniors, but for people of all ages.
When Kingstonians were told about the recent study and asked whether they would consider increasing their workouts, or live a more active lifestyle, each person agreed that they would take the necessary steps to prevent the disease.
READ MORE: Alzheimer Society of Calgary opens 1st Opening Minds through Art training centre in Canada
De Felice is currently working on ways to condense irisin into pill form to boost the brain with the molecule, and she is hoping the tests in mice will bode well for humans.
“We need to first do tests on humans before we can think this is a viable treatment for the disease,” De Felice said.
There is no timeline for when her team will begin testing on humans.

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