Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stroke survivior earns a courage award

Recovery should not require courage. Your doctor and stroke hospital should have all the skills and stroke protocols that get you 100% recovered. Starting with stoppingthe 5 causes of the neuronal cascade of death in the first week.

Not getting you 100% recovered is failure on your doctor and stroke hospitals part.


Stroke survivior earns a courage award

LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) - Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital awarded stroke survivor Dave Melvin a courage award after volunteering his time to help other survivors.
Melvin had a stroke in 2016 and began rehab at Madonna. After his rehab, he wanted to help other people recover from their strokes.
"I was just very surprised," Melvin said. "I was told I was going to talk to another stroke survivor that was having a hard time. So I was looking forward to see if I couldn't help them."
According to the hospital, Melvin has put in more than 1,000 hours of volunteer work.
His wife, Terri, said she's always been proud of her husband for doing volunteer work.
"He's worked so very hard over the last three years. He never thought he was going to be a social butterfly, but he has truly been so good with patients," Terri said.
Melvin was nominated for the award by another stroke survivor - the first person to receive the award.

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