Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Robotic body weight support enables safe stair negotiation in compliance with basic locomotor principles

Totally useless, able bodied persons were used even though they are referencing the need for those with a neurological injury.  

Robotic body weight support enables safe stair negotiation in compliance with basic locomotor principles



After a neurological injury, mobility focused rehabilitation programs intensively train walking on treadmills or overground. However, after discharge, quite a few patients are not able to independently negotiate stairs, a real-world task with high physical and psychological demands and a high injury risk. To decrease fall risk and improve patients’ capacity to navigate typical environments, early stair negotiation training can help restore competence and confidence in safe stair negotiation. One way to enable early training in a safe and permissive environment is to unload the patient with a body weight support system. We here investigated if unloaded stair negotiation complies with basic locomotor principles, in terms of enabling performance of a physiological movement pattern with minimal compensation.


Seventeen able-bodied participants were unloaded with 0–50% bodyweight during self-paced ascent and descent of a 4-tread staircase. Spatio-temporal parameters, joint ranges of motion, ground reaction forces and myoelectric activity in the main lower limb muscles of participants were compared between unloading levels. Likelihood ratio tests of separated linear mixed models of the investigated outcomes assessed if unloading affects the parameters in general. Subsequent post-hoc testing revealed which levels of unloading differed from unsupported stair negotiation.


Unloading affected walking velocity, joint ranges of motion, vertical ground reaction force parameters and myoelectric activity in all investigated muscles for stair ascent and descent while step width and single support duration were only affected during ascent. A reduction with increasing levels of body weight support was seen in walking velocity (0.07–0.12 m/s), ranges of motion of the knee and hip (2–10°), vertical ground reaction force peaks (10–70%) and myoelectric activity (17–70%). An increase with unloading was only seen during ascent for ankle range of motion and tibialis anterior activity at substantial unloading.


Body weight support facilitates stair negotiation by providing safety and support against gravity. Although unloading effects are present in most parameters, up to 30% body weight support these changes are small, and no dysfunctional patterns are introduced. Body weight support therefore fulfills all the necessary requirements for early stair negotiation training.


Injuries to the central nervous system result in a wide range of disabilities of which more than 60% show gait dysfunctions [1]. As a consequence, these patients often demonstrate slow or abnormal gait and impaired balance which result in a greatly increased risk of falling with high probability of severe secondary injuries [2]. At an advanced stage, gait dysfunctions and fear of falling can lead to a loss of independence, social isolation and mobility restrictions [2] - factors strongly related to a decreased quality of life [3]. Therefore, a large proportion of modern rehabilitation programs focus on gait and balance training in compliance with locomotor training principles. These principles are known to maximize recovery and restoration and state that weight-bearing through legs should be maximized, appropriate sensory cues and task-specific, physiological kinematics need to be provided while compensatory strategies should be minimized [4]. But locomotor training should not only focus on simple walking or balance, but also on advanced activities like curb and stair negotiation which are similarly indispensable for independent living. Paolucci et al. however report that of initially non-ambulatory patients with stroke, only 4.58% regain the ability to independently negotiate stairs while 50.57% regain the ability to walk [5]. One reason behind this is that negotiating stairs is much more challenging than overground walking [6]. The greater complexity of stair negotiation and the increased risk of falling compared to level ground walking originates from higher physical demands such as the need for i) larger joint ranges of motion (ROMs), ii) higher muscular strength, iii) better cardiovascular fitness [7], iv) more precise foot placement which relies on accurate visual feedback [8] and increased stability [9]. In addition, stair negotiation is psychologically challenging due to the increased probability of serious injury in case of a fall compared to walking on level ground. To restore a high level of independence, it is desirable to boost patients’ capabilities and confidence in safe stair negotiation. Optimally, patients would start stair negotiation training early in their rehabilitation process to maximally benefit from the optimal time window during which the central nervous system might show increased neuroplasticity [10, 11]. Appropriate assistance and security are a requirement for early stair climbing training, however this puts a large burden on therapists in terms of support forces. One way to provide large supportive forces is via robotic devices. Robotic rehabilitation technology that assists training of stair negotiation from an early time point on is however rare and limited to few devices such as end-effector-based gait trainers, ceiling-mounted BWS systems, and wearable exoskeletons [12,13,14,15,16,17]. Compared to gait trainers, BWS systems and wearable exoskeletons have the advantage that they allow training of real stair walking which helps provide the appropriate afferent sensory input to relearn the task. Wearable exoskeletons, the most recently emerged of these technologies, are however still struggling with fall safety mechanisms and require users to rely on crutches for balancing resulting in compensatory arm activity [18]. BWS systems on the other hand do not seem to substantially hinder or compromise physiological movement execution which was at least shown for able-bodied and patients with incomplete spinal cord injury during overground walking with up to 30% of BWS [19,20,21]. By changing BWS, the intensity of the training can be adapted to the individual patient and his/her capabilities. Ceiling-mounted BWS systems can therefore be a promising tool to support stair negotiation in patients with remaining voluntary muscle control. However, the effect of BWS on movement performance specifically during stair negotiation has to our best knowledge not yet been investigated. It is therefore not clear if BWS hinders physiological performance of stair ambulation, something which must be first investigated in an able-bodied population.
Therefore, this paper aims at providing insights into effects of different levels of BWS on the biomechanics and myoelectric activity during stair negotiation. We used the FLOAT (The FLOAT, RehaStim Medtech AG, Germany) BWS system for our investigations. FLOAT can apply different levels of unloading as well as horizontal assistance forces during a broad range of training tasks including ground level walking, standing up/sitting down, as well as stair negotiation [15, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26]. From previous investigations of the FLOAT and other BWS systems during overground walking in able-bodied subjects, it is known that with higher levels of BWS temporal parameters change towards shorter stance durations and lower limb joint ROMs are reduced apart from inconclusive evidence for the ankle [19, 20]. Kinetics and myoelectric activity show in most cases reductions with some inconclusive evidence regarding compensatory activity. The general consensus is however that deviations from physiological movement patterns are small and negligible up to 30% BWS [19, 20]. A similar understanding of alterations introduced by BWS in able-bodied individuals during stair negotiation is important for validating the task-specificity of BWS stair training, which optimally transfers to daily life [27]. We hypothesize that BWS, does not induce large deviations in lower limb kinematic patterns while reducing neuromuscular demand without introducing compensatory activity. If this holds true, BWS stair training should be safe to apply for physiological training of stair negotiation in patients with neurological diseases.

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