Saturday, January 25, 2020

Prospectively classifying community walkers after stroke: Who are they?

I can predict that you have absolutely nothing in stroke protocols to get survivors back to 100% walking.  So complete failure on your part for having nothing. 

Prospectively classifying community walkers after stroke: Who are they?

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , Volume 100(11) , Pgs. 2113-2118.

NARIC Accession Number: J82549.  What's this?
ISSN: 0003-9993.
Author(s): Mulder, Marijn; Nijland, Rinske H.; van de Port, Ingrid G.; van Wegen, Erwin E.; Kwakkel, Gert.
Publication Year: 2019.
Number of Pages: 6.


Study classified patients with stroke into subgroups based on their characteristics at the moment of discharge from inpatient rehabilitation in order to predict community ambulation outcome 6 months later. Participants were 243 patients with stroke referred for outpatient physical therapy after completing inpatient rehabilitation in The Netherlands. A classification model was developed using Classification And Regression Tree (CART) analysis. The final outcome was determined using the community ambulation questionnaire. Potential baseline predictors included patient demographics, stroke characteristics, use of assistive devices, comfortable gait speed, balance, strength, motivation, falls efficacy, anxiety, and depression. The CART model accurately predicted independent community ambulation in 181 of 193 patients with stroke, based on a comfortable gait speed at discharge of 0.5 meters per second or faster. In contrast, 27 of 50 patients with gait speeds below 0.5 meters per second were correctly predicted to become noncommunity walkers. This study showed that comfortable gait speed is a key factor in the prognosis of community ambulation outcome. The CART model may support clinicians in organizing community services at the moment of discharge from inpatient care.

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Citation: Mulder, Marijn, Nijland, Rinske H., van de Port, Ingrid G., van Wegen, Erwin E., Kwakkel, Gert. (2019). Prospectively classifying community walkers after stroke: Who are they?.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 100(11), Pgs. 2113-2118. Retrieved 1/25/2020, from REHABDATA database.

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