Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Only 10% of stroke patients that survive fully recover; What the hell is your stroke hospital doing to change that for the better?

If nothing then I suggest firings start at the top with the board of directors. 

Oops, once again Dean you are suggesting you know more than the stroke world. It is only arrogance if you don't know what you are talking about, I know what I'm talking about, fully referenced. 

Flint Rehab while wonderful pooh poohs the 10% full recovery statistic.

This begs the question, exactly how close can you or your loved one get to a full recovery?
The American Stroke Association states that 10% of stroke survivors recover almost completely and 25% recover with minor impairments.
The stroke rehabilitation field is rapidly advancing, though. With better rehabilitation facilities and home therapy tools, patients can often recover more function than they could in previous decades.
Try not to feel discouraged by a 10% chance of a full recovery from stroke. While it’s the only widely accepted statistic, it was produced at an unknown date through unknown survey criteria.
Focusing on the statistics can deplete your hope, and hope is a valuable, essential resource during stroke recovery.
Instead, shift your focus on what you can control. There are many steps you can take to maximize your chances of a full recovery and get yourself into that supposed 10%.

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