Support of information and communication technology in rehabilitation after stroke
I have zero clue on the point of this research. Nothing on survivor recovery, so useless.
- Authors:
- physiotherapists' and occupational therapists' perspectives
- Aim/purpose: To explore the perspectives of how physiotherapists
(PTs) and occupational therapists (OTs) use information and
communication technologies (ICT) and see new potentials for ICT to
enable a person centered rehabilitation process after stroke. Method: Two
qualitative semi structured focus-group interviews were carried out.
Four PTs and five OTs from different sectors participated. Data was
analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results: Results: Three
subcategories were identified from the analysis of interviews with
participants: 1) ICT and apps as meaningful and supportive in the
rehabilitation process, 2) ICT as communication and documentation
devices and 3) Barriers to the integration ICT and apps in the
rehabilitation process. From these categories one core category emerged:
ICT integration and a personalized app solution to facilitate coherent,
person centered rehabilitation. Conclusion: It was perceived as
important to integrate ICT in stroke rehabilitation for assessment,
training and to compensate for remaining deficits. The development of a
personalized app solution could accommodate stroke survivors’ and
significant others’ need for insight into and overview over the
rehabilitation process as well as access to relevant information, which
would thereby empower them. Furthermore, a personalized app solution
could also facilitate follow-up after discharge and was perceived to
ease the communication and documentation within and between sectors, as
well as communication with both stroke survivors and significant others.
Implications for rehabilitation • It is important that physiotherapists
and occupational therapists integrate ICT in stroke rehabilitation,
since ICT is a great part of people’s lives today and can promote a
coherent, person centered rehabilitation process. • A personalized app
solution that can provide insight into and an overview of the
rehabilitation process, and promote communication between sectors is
- Conference poster
- Danish
- Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi, og e-læring; Sundhed,
ernæring og livskvalitet; Sygdom, sundhedsvidenskab og sygepleje;
Borgere (elever, patienter, kunder etc.); Ledere og medarbejdere i
offentlige institutioner; Ledere og medarbejdere på
professionsbacheloruddannelser; Medarbejdere på universiteter,
forskningsinstitutioner mv.; Studerende på
professionsbacheloruddannelser; Studerende ved universiteter; Øvrige
brugere; ICT, mobile phone, tablet, iPad, telerehabilitation;
participation in everyday life, qualitative method, grounded theory
Review type:
- Undetermined
- Advances in Health Care Sciences Conferences, 2019
Submission year:
- 2019
Scientific Level:
- Popular
- 2493523032
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