Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The importance of stroke as a risk factor of cognitive decline in community dwelling older and oldest peoples: The SONIC study

Yes, we have known of cognitive decline from stroke for decades. You have uselessly told us what we already know. And even more useless didn't provide a solution to prevent that cognitive decline. 

The importance of stroke as a risk factor of cognitive decline in community dwelling older and oldest peoples: The SONIC study

BMC GeriatricsSrithumsuk W, Kabayama M, Gondo Y, et al. | January 28, 2020

Researchers conducted a longitudinal study with a 3-year follow-up in Japan including 1,333 community-dwelling older and oldest people (70 years old = 675, 80 years old = 589, and 90 years old = 69) in order to determine the value of stroke as a risk factor of cognitive decline during 3 years in these people. As per the fit of the hypothesized model by multiple logistic regression, important risk factors are a history of stroke, advanced age, and greater Japanese version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment score at the baseline, while protective factors are the presence of dyslipidemia and a higher educational level that are significantly associated with cognitive decline during the 3-year follow-up. They recommend considering these factors when searching for creative solutions to limit cognitive decline after stroke in community-dwelling older and oldest people.
Read the full article on BMC Geriatrics

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